Inspire The Nation | Day 52 | Sarath City Capital Mall| Hyderabad | Telangana

Inspire The Nation | Day 52 | Sarath City Capital Mall| Hyderabad | Telangana

Hyderabad, a beloved urban center, is a prime hub of the Info and tech industry. The capital of Telangana is known for its beautifully crafted ancient monuments like Char Minar, Golconda Fort, and the iconic mouth-watering dish of Hyderabadi Biryani.

I had such a lovely time traveling, without any hiccups, in Hyderabad, as the expressways were broader and paved. I was on the move with the team that I had hired. I contacted an acquaintance who assembled a performance for me at a bar. It was the first time I was performing at a cocktail lounge. I felt an awkwardly nervous feeling in the beginning, but later on, I was able to smoothen up.
Some weirdly hilarious moments also cropped up: an uncle hugged me on the stage. And he didn’t stop there; apart from ecstatically performing with me, he was not ready to leave. That was epic.
The very next day, I went to a mall. Max clothing store had an ongoing event; I talked to them about my journey. They felt heartened and, at the same time, impressed, so they decided to allow me to inspire the people to follow their passion, as I was also striving to do.

I returned to Vijayawada to drop my hired team at their living place the following day.

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